I thought this was relevant to post questions to allow the reader to get to know me without reading a boring life story..
(Questions asked by people I know & don't know...)
How many languages do you speak?
English Obviously
Spanish.. im ok i guess
French.. a lil bit, im learning..(I have 2 adopted french brothers Oliver and Roman)
How many places in the world have you visited?
hmm.. good question..
Cali-LA (duh), San Fran, Monterey..etc
Tempe, Arizona
Vegas, Nevada
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Cancun, MExico.
Baja, MEx.
Altana, Georgia
New York
I feel like im missing some..
next stop is the Philippines to visit my friend..
Do you believe in fate?
hmmm..this is a tough one..
since many say determinism cannot coexist w/ freedom..
I am a believer of fate..(to an extent),
but am more a believer of free will,
I know that may sound contradicting..
but i guess in a sense the actions you choose may be free, but nevertheless work toward an inevitable end,
hence fate?
... so.. still i ponder over this matter...
what does fate mean to you... karma? Future? destiny?
Do you believe everything happens for a reason or do you believe in the butterfly effect (cause and effect)?
Well your kinda asking two different questions here?
I know your said "OR".. but Ill answer both:
Yes I believe everything happens for a reason.. def. a strong believer! Even in the worst situations sometimes its like life testing you. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, think of every life scenario as a learning experience.
I guess so..
the butterfly effect is a metaphor that expresses the concept of sensitive dependence on initial conditions(point A).. meaning..
In the rawest easiest form for you to comprehend:
What if someone had knocked on the door as hitler was being conceived disrupting the act... (no jizz, no Hitler, no camps..no deaths.. which could have ultimately altered your genes and ancestral line in someway.. u get the point)..
b/c every decision you make has an outcome.. thus an effect..
depending on the choices you make, it effects you & others around you.
Does randomness exist or is every moment the mathematical progression of every event of the previous moment....?
Think about it...
If you have a question you want me to answer, dont be afraid...http://www.formspring.me/MADameJesSiKa
Two faves..

Dali & Halsman.. <3
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