Also gotta give cred. to he AZN sista Silvia Ji from San Fran., for her artistic abilities and intrigue in sugar-skull-faced women with alluring beauty.

Ok.. one more.. Natalia Fabia's work reminds me of candid shots mixed with a raw yet seductive imagination tossed together with light pigmented pastel colors with a feminine touch. These vivid scenes which intersect with her life and thoughts end up being the product of imaginative pieces on a canvas, that will not allow your eyes to stop rotating around the canvas.

Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this, brain washing girls at a young age to care about materialism and narcissism. Dressing them up older with make up, making them skip most of their child hood to bask in self glory and fight for the spotlight amongst the other poor little girls who will probably grow up to be small town sluts on meth.
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