that one day every piece of matter will cease to exist.
If you think about it, it is one of the few universal things we all share,
with everything we come into contact with.
Interesting how our human specie perceives death as a negative;
fear and death often are characterized together.
I do not know.
Well I suppose human nature allows us to fear the unknown..
but we should not fear what we cannot see.. (from the words of Porishead)

I am sure I would NoT want to be an immortal being.
Mortality in a sense is the main key to life's value.
Life is cherished and valued so greatly because of the fact that one day the
daily routine will get old.
Your brittle bones, murmuring heart, pulsating veins will one day give out..
just as the piece of shit car you replaced.
Last breath taken, chest drops, shorted sigh and bubbles out the mouth..
Bees will drop dead.
Your nutritious flesh will one day be in the stomachs on flies, maggots and worms..
giving life to other pieces of small living matter.
Our outter layer can be peeled, hurt, cut, smashed but
our soul, our self..cannot.
Like the soul, fond memories of greater days live on..
A favorite song that takes you back into a certain moment in time, which gives you that sweet escape even if it's for seconds.
That scent that triggers a image of the beauty you once held in your arms..
A scene of a movie which will always make you laugh..
or the distance sound of a laugh in the other room.. will be missed once your gone.
Without death there is no life...
since death is what gives value to life..
without death.. would life be worth living?
If we were all immortal... I would probably be about 256 years old.

The fact that one day.. your heart will no longer pump blood through out you body into your brain..
is why life is too short and too precious..
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