Ohh.. how sad.. it is when people abandon their pets.
We as human have adapted into a society which has molded our mind the crave and strive for more.
How can we not, that is human nature, both constructive or destruction.
Globalization, mass production, mass media and the collaborated illusion of ethos contribute to making our world smaller and smaller yet so vast we are incapable of every processing all of its information. So out of frustration and mental innovation we go on and toil in our own sufficed contemplative state and grow fond, then tired of the subject of which was originally the mover. The mover can be anything as long as the purpose is there, then who needs the tangible subject.
POint being this can apply to anything in which seem incapable, unreachable, indescribable & infinitive..
not everything needs an answer, not everyone has to cradle their pleasant soul with a irrational blurt or buy, not everything need to been acted upon like getting a hamster you cannot care for or will grow tired of.
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