Two faves..

Two faves..
Dali & Halsman.. <3

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Random rant..

(These pictures were taken on my trip to the Island of Oahu..including the one above w/ blog title) Why is being outdoors so great, like a long lost original animal instinct humans lost touch with. That now to be in an outdoors/ natural forest environment is now a luxury, yet we need to go to certain remote areas to find it & can rarely make time for it. The mere fact of the notion of being an outdoorsman is kinda funny. The word hiking never existed long down the ancestral line, it was called hunting for food and hiking was something you did without thinking along the way. It is weird to think that this world was once so green, or that it was natural human nature to live outdoors amongst the other animals that we now divided ourselves from. Not only have we detached ourself with other species we have detached ourselfs from nature in general. Our specie alone has evolved into narcissistic animals whom can only rely on commercialism and consumerism to live. The entire aura of our specie has been tampered with thus tampering with natural selection due to technological advances. But at one time we had a different purpose in life, which lead to different perspectives and beliefs...not all the nonsense that life is composed of today. Now people tend to only care about materials and quantity of these materials, which tend to over ride the quality of life itself.

This bothers me, how many walk around with a blindfold on.. everyone starts looking the same after awhile. Fresh robotic beings, a product of the U.S environment.. ideologies of false hope, false gods, false beauty & false teachings...
It actually scares me to think of how many conditioned brains are really out there..

...I feel like "another lost soul swimming in a fish bowl"....
..with my head in the clouds, alway thinking, always pondering, always questioning...

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